Northern Division
Sportsman’s Dinners
Helping churches reach sportsmen in their communities for Christ is the main thing we do. Trophy taxidermy displays are the tools we use. The Northern Division currently has four trailers of trophy mounts, including two with sixteen whitetail bucks, each scoring between 176 5/8th and 334 0/8th inches using the Boone & Crockett Club scoring system, a World Record Whitetail trailer with ten world record bucks, including two full body mounts, and a Western trailer with mounts from western US (moose, grizzly, elk, etc.) We’re flexible. We’ll bring our display and provide a short seminar by telling stories about a couple of the deer wherever the gospel is clearly presented, or we can also provide the keynote speaker for your event.
Metropolitan City Outreach
Churches in large metropolitan areas like Minneapolis St. Paul are becoming increasingly reluctant to use hunting for outreach and allow firearms (even archery equipment) or taxidermy inside their buildings. And yet there are over 103,000 licensed deer hunters in the Twin Cities metro area not counting upland bird hunters, waterfowl hunters, turkey hunters, other big game hunters, out of state hunters and that portion of Minnesota’s 1.4 million licensed fishermen living in the metro area. It’s this audience we’re planning on targeting with an annual off-site multi-church sportsman’s outreach dinner (1,500-2,000) that we’re testing in with a small (340) event in 2023.
The event will be patterned after fundraiser dinners run by conservation organizations like Ducks Unlimited, Safari Club International, Pheasants Forever and Trout Unlimited. Our goal is not fund raising, it’s to see if we can cover costs that allows us to expand the test to a major multi-church outreach event to reach sportsmen in metropolitan areas for Christ that doesn’t depend on churches for financial support. Contact us if you’d like to assist, or simply receive updates on our progress.
Hunting & Fishing Trips
Trophies of Grace believes that a fishing and hunting trip can provide Christians with a great opportunity to invite someone they want to invest in if their purpose for the invitation is something more than just a great time in the outdoors. If you’re interested in organizing a trip for your church or faith-based organization, we may be able to assist in putting together a great trip with guides who are serious about both their faith and their love of hunting and fishing; guides who naturally bring conversations around to the one who made the great outdoors. Whitetails in the Dakotas and Michigan, salmon and smallmouth in Wisconsin, ice fishing in North Dakota and Wisconsin, walleyes in the boundary waters and more. Contact us for more information.
Retreats provide excellent opportunities for strengthening family relationships in outdoor settings away from the distractions of everyday life. If your church or organization is interested in putting together a father-son or marriage retreat, Trophies of Grace can assist you in organizing and running your event. Our retreat team is headed by Trophies of Grace, Northern Division board member Dr. Doug Moorhead. Psy. D. Doug is a father of 6, Discipleship Pastor, Outdoorsman, Author and passionate spokesman for discipleship. Also on the team is Gary Burdick. M.A. Christian Leadership, Ex Airforce Special Forces, Pastor of 29 years, Experienced outdoorsman, Rock climber, Winter Camping expert, and Wilderness backpacker.
Father & Son Retreats.
These are generally one-week retreats held in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, three hours north of Green Bay, Wisconsin. They are designed for fathers whose sons are between twelve and forty who want to take the relationship to new heights or bring healing to a fractured relationship. It’s a highly intentional week focusing on teaching, interaction and conversation in a stimulating outdoor setting. Contact us if your church or organization is interested in putting together a father & son retreat.
Adventure Marriage Retreats
If you’re interested in strengthening marriages within your church or organization, then consider organizing a four-day adventure marriage retreat at Needle Rock Lodge in the beautiful Gunnison National Forest in Colorado. The retreat, based on teaching from The Heart and Soul of Marriage, is filled with biblical time-tested teachings, quiet times, and guided couple times, and it will leave couples refreshed and encouraged about their future regardless of whether they are just beginning their journey, just having children, are entering the empty nest or enjoying retirement. The retreat guides are Dr. Doug and Amy Moorhead, Dr. of Psychology and Discipleship pastor and wife of 26 years, a passionate spokesman for integrity and family. Sam and Kerstin Kimbriel, Entrepreneurs, business and ministry partners, and founders of The Lodge at Needle Rock and Rock and Needle Rock Brewing Company.
The retreat is ideal for couples married anywhere between six hours and sixty years and includes group teaching, time for guided conversations for each couple, hiking, climbing, and camping…together. Contact us if your church or organization is interested in putting together an adventure marriage retreat.